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Cincinnati in review

by @ 1:44 pm on 9/9/2006. Filed under general

Overall, I have to say that I was mighty impressed with Cincinnati. I had heard a lot of bad things about it but overall I found it to be a very pretty and extremely nice city.

On Thursday the customer took us out for a night on the town. We left the customer’s office we were working in and walked up to a bar (my thighs are still sore) on MT Adams. It was quite interesting as the back porch was small and hanging out over the side of the hill looking down on the city. Very nice. Allegedly Charles Manson drank Tequila there back in the late sixties because he lived across the street. Supposedly he was quite crazy and would hang from the deck (long drop) but who would expect that out of him???

For dinner that evening we walked up to the MT Adams Fish House… Amazing. Highly recommend it.


After that we were taken on a tour of the city’s various locations with stunning views. I was greatly impressed. There is a park that was simply amazing for a city park. I loved the amount of foliage in the town. Trees and grass everywhere which is just great.


All of the people were extremely nice. Didn’t matter if you saw them at 10 in the morning or 10 at night. In fact, my only real complaint about the whole visit was the fact that I had to park my truck a block or so from the Westin hotel which was quite annoying. The Westin kept up their end of the bargain for having the most amazing beds in the world though. Once you crawl into a Westin bed, it is tough to crawl back out.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

2 Responses to “Cincinnati in review”

  1. the only places the customer took me was weaving through rough neighborhoods and warnings of where not to go. you can see where my opinion came from

  2. joe says:


    Looks like I will be going down again in October so I will look around some more. I hear there is an amazing aquarium across the river in Kentucky which I must see. Also heard that my dad is considering moving down to that area of Kentucky. Interesting.

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