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Public Restrooms

by @ 12:28 pm on 4/27/2007. Filed under rants

What is it with public restrooms and how they draw in disgusting disrespectful people?

This seems to be an issue of staggering proportions. Anymore, you are surprised if you walk into a lavatory and it actually is really clean. In some cases, certainly we can blame the facilities management who maintain the lavatory, but mostly I think we can look squarely at the folks who have no respect for others and just destroy the bathrooms.

Seriously… has anyone every gotten a date from a stall posting of “For a good time, call Steven at xxx-yyyy”? And to be quite honest, I don’t care if John is larger than Bob who is larger than Seth or is larger than Jimmy or that Frank can make all your dreams come true or that Sue is a Ho. Of course you also have the plethora of examples of amateur art, one wonders if the artist has so little experience that he/she believes that is how things really look or they are just a horrendously bad artist. For any aspiring Picasso’s out there, I hate to burst your bubble, but I am not aware of any critically acclaimed bathroom stall art nor any world renowned artists who started with the blank canvas of the back  of a stall door.

Stall art though is just the beginning, if you have to be disrespectful, I prefer that over the other worse things that occur. Some of these bathrooms get so bad I can’t understand how even the people who are disrespectful can bring themselves to use them. I mean seriously, do you think, well I will never be here again, let me just make it as disgusting here as I possibly can. Let me pick my nose and wipe the prizes all over the walls and the door? Let me urinate all over the seat the floor and even the toilet paper on the roll or even worse.

This is positively disgusting and revolting and disrespectful and honestly, I wouldn’t have a problem with someone who partakes in these actions dropping off the face of the earth. What other areas are they causing issues in with this rampant disrespect for other humans. Do they do this crap at home too? If they do they may be trying to bring back the plague, they should be dispatched from this plane of existence with the swiftest possible speed.

I don’t see many solutions for this problem. I mean if people are going to be disgusting pigs, how do you stop that? Someone thinks, “why certainly most other people want to have access to my bodily fluids or my incredible brilliance that is only fit for the wall next to a toilet…”. How do you stop them?

Thoughts in my head on this matter…

1. If you are one of these people, STOP IT YOU DISGUSTING PIECE OF TRASH.

2. If you know someone who does this or see someone who does this, tell them to stop being disgusting. Do you want them doing that in your bathroom?

3. Maybe we should make the penalties for doing something like this to be extremely high, even ridiculously high for the issue, so that people at least think about it. Then obviously we have to find some way to enforce it, you can’t have policy and penalties without some form of enforcement. Enforcing itself will be difficult, do you have someone checking everyone out of every stall? Do you put cameras in the stalls? Maybe another solution is that you have to have some form of electronic/biometric authentication to get into public/shared facilities that you have to use to get access to a stall or restroom. Then if on later inspection that stall is messed up, you have a list of people to go have a chat with. These are all expensive and ultimately people are going to bitch about privacy reasons. The last one though should be feasible but still enforcement will be difficult but the combination of insanely highly penalties coupled with a possibility of identifying the disgusting non-human should help reduce the issue.

4. We could ignore the solving of the issue and just go after the result. Set the stalls up so that they self clean. The stall is designed to be blasted with a high pressure bleach wash and once per hour every stall is just nailed with the cleanup spray. The result is that ink won’t stick to the walls and all of the disgusting by products of nasty human scum gets washed away. As I think about it, this could slow down the people causing this issue as well. If their works of art (both on the walls and on the floor) will be gone in less than 60 minutes, maybe they won’t feel it is worth going through the effort…


Me… I would use the cameras and post the pictures of the people in the act of being disrespectful and post them everywhere so everyone will understand what nasty people they are. We do that with the customers of prostitutes though I don’t see a problem with that whole industry – anymore I am seeing less and less difference between a prostitute and someone who marries a person and then divorces them and tries to clean them out financially. Anyway… Why don’t we actually use that mechanism for something that would be truly helpful to the human race – clean sanitary rest room conditions.



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