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PSOMgr Released…

by @ 4:28 pm on 5/4/2007. Filed under tech

For those of you who don’t surf my free tools page on a daily basis, you will be happy to know that the world infamous and to date ONLY official tool to manage Password Setting Policy Objects in Longhorn Active Directory is now available as a free download from

This utility is a smash runaway hit even if it is me saying so myself. 🙂 It was heartily not approved nor disapproved by Nathan Muggli at the recent Directory Experts Conference 2007 who when asked about it could only say…. “well I can’t say anything about it one way or the other as I haven’t tried it…” or something there about.

I am going to do things a little differently with this utility or at least I expect to. I have it set up into three development channels, basic command line, command line extended, and GUI. The basic command line version will now and always be free, the extended command line and GUI versions will come later with more capability and have some price associated with them. The idea is that most everyone should be fully capable of working with the basic version but if they want some cool nifty extra features, they get to show their approval by paying for them. No release dates on the for pay versions yet, I am still trying to work out a nice logo and web site design for them as well as testing what I have. Since Longhorn won’t be officially released until at least the end of the year, I should have enough time to get things into place.

You can find PSOMgr on the page with all of my other free utilities here –> or if you want to go directly to the utility and not see the wonderful picture of our Director of R&D, go here –>


All feedback, as usual, greatly appreciated.



Rating 3.00 out of 5

One Response to “PSOMgr Released…”

  1. Gorm says:


    For Longhorn Beta 3 to reduce the required number of characters to six:
    “psomgr /mod /dompol /pwdlen 6 /forreal”
    was what I wanted, and it took me ten minutes with google and you.

    Thanks, worked nicely.

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