joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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I just don’t understand this mentality…

by @ 3:31 pm on 5/11/2008. Filed under house stuff

I spent most of today in the rain trying to pick stuff up around the back yard where I am reclaiming the “yard” from the “woods”. I am greatly hampered by piles of crap that are just randomly stacked up around back there. In the end I will likely spend hundreds of hours cleaning up after people who should have been old enough to clean up after themselves.

Why why why?? How much disrespect do you have for the world and yourself in order to do this? I think there has to be something fundamentally wrong to think to do this…


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One Response to “I just don’t understand this mentality…”

  1. Brian P. says:

    In addition to the hundreds of man-hours required to clean all of that up, you should let us know how many hundreds of dollars it takes to dump all of that stuff off at the dump.

    At that point, it will probably be pretty clear why they would just toss it all into their backyard…

    I’m still waiting to see if you uncover an old car on blocks out there (although you’re not in the deep south, so maybe not)

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