joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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OldCMP and the dreaded LDAP Error 0x50 “OTHER”

by @ 3:27 pm on 8/7/2009. Filed under tech

Just a quick blog post. I am on vacation which is just a way of saying I am doing a whole ton of yard work around my place. I need a big front loader with a back hoe if anyone is feeling particularly giving. Or a bulldozer would be nice as well…  😀


Anyway, a common email for me to see in my inbox is…


Dear joe, oldcmp rocks but I keep getting this 0x50 error and it sucks because I can’t find any info on it…

Yes that error does suck, it is the LDAP “OTHER” error.


G:\>err 0x50
# for hex 0x50 / decimal 80 :
  PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA                                   bugcodes.h
# Certificate Services could not publish a Certificate for
# request %1 to the following location on server %4: %2.
# %3.%5%6
  LLC_STATUS_CCB_POINTER_FIELD                                  dlcapi.h
  NMERR_IP_ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND                                    netmon.h
  TLS1_ALERT_INTERNAL_ERROR                                     schannel.h
# error
  ERROR_FILE_EXISTS                                             winerror.h
# The file exists.
LDAP_OTHER                                                    winldap.h
# 7 matches found for "0x50"

I wasn’t bright enough at the time to add the –exterr switch I have in AdFind which gives you the “good” error message that tells you what might be really happening. Of course you can always just do a network packet capture and you will see the error as well but most people, even admins sadly. don’t know how to do a packet capture so they are stuck.

No fear, of the 1000 or so times I have looked into this, I was keeping count and roughly every single one of them was due to someone specifying an invalid DN for the new parent parameter. They were missing a comma, spelling OU with a zero, or specified an OU that didn’t actually exist. So if you got the dreaded 0x50 LDAP error in OldCmp, and you googled and you found this posting. Hopefully you now know to look at your new parent DN and validate that it really exists. How do you do that you ask? Well use AdFind!


adfind –b “new parent DN” –s base –dn –exterr




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