joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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MachinePwd V01.00.00 Released

by @ 8:49 pm on 6/7/2012. Filed under tech

The new utility I wrote that I mentioned in my previous post, MachinePwd, has been released. You can find it in the usual place I keep all of the utilities which is here –> or you can go directly to the MachinePwd utility page which is here –>


Quick Summary of what most people will use it for?

  1. You see a message on a member machine (workstation or server) that says "The Trust Relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed.".
  2. You log onto the machine with administrator credentials (either local or cached as specified by DaveS in the previous post)
  3. You have someone reset the machine account in Active Directory, this can be done via ADUC or if you look at the usage for MachinePwd it will show you how to do it with adfind and admod. Whatever you do, just get the password on the machine account set to the lowercase version of its name. I.E. A machine that was named LIVEHAPPY should have the password set to livehappy.
  4. Open an administrator privilege command prompt (i.e. if using UAC you must do RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR)
  5. Run the machinepwd utility with the fix switch… Ex:  machinepwd /fix
  6. You should be fixed.


Please enjoy and I look forward to feedback… It’s brand new, I am sure I forgot something. 😉



Rating 4.78 out of 5

2 Responses to “MachinePwd V01.00.00 Released”

  1. Mike Kline says:

    If you look through my previous comments I’ve often said you should get the “MVP for Life” award…no more applications or worries. This tool is another example of why…thanks Joe!!

  2. Bucky says:

    Thank you for the great utility. The most common cause I’ve seen for trust relationship issues (for AD computers) would be a restore process (e.g. Windows system restore, VMware snapshot, backup image restore).

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