joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Great Cause – Science / Tech / Engineering / Math camp for Detroit Public School Girls

by @ 10:55 am on 5/1/2014. Filed under general

This is a great cause because it is about science, tech, engineering, and math which we all need more of. I personally know one of the co-founders and she is a great person and wouldn’t be involved with anything BUT a great cause. If you have a spare dollar or three please consider sending it that way. I would love to see them hit their goal by this weekend and if everyone who reads this blog or who has ever used one of the many free tools I openly provide and has saved them hours or days of work gave $5 they would go WAY over their goal and be funded for even more and better things.

This summer we are hosting our first Science, Tech, Engineering and Math (STEM) day-camp for young Detroit Public School girls. Help us excite and inspire this generation’s innovators! 100% of donations will go directly to our campers.

Anyone who donates anything has my thanks! I wouldn’t ask except I know I have a lot of very good people following this blog who want to see improvement in our world and are generally in a position to share some little bit. 🙂


SPECIAL JOEWARE OFFER FROM ME TO ALL OF YOU…. Anyone who donates $250 USD or more to the cause that I can validate as being received ping me on my joeware email address with high priority (if you can) message with the subject of STEM ROCKS with an address and any proof you have and I will validate the donation and then have a joeware t-shirt in the size of your choice sent to you in addition to any perk you get from the site itself. This isn’t through the co-founders or their project, this is completely between you and me and my pocket because I believe in this cause.




P.S. I know I have been very quiet lately and you may be thinking, "Piss off joe, I didn’t even read this!" However I am close to releasing a new version of AdFind with the 2012 R2 updates and some other fixes and additions and I also have been working on a tool to detect network usage on a machine (based on windump/winpcap) specifically to easily capture in a lightweight summary manner what clients are hitting a DC for LDAP, etc.

Rating 4.50 out of 5

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