joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Rollin rollin, keep those chapters rollin…

by @ 8:58 pm on 7/22/2005. Filed under general

Well for lack of a better topic or at least a topic I am willing to speak about in the open without some form of backlash I figured I would chat about how the book is coming.

I am now done with something like 15 chapters. 15 of something like 31. Luckily only three of them will be completely written by me, the others are just updates where I find and change things that have changed in SP1 or R2 or through doing it more we discover better/different ways or just plain errors. I try to get through a chapter a night but that usually doesn’t happen and I end up spending 2 or 3 nights on it. All and all, it is a lot of work for what I will probably in the end make off of it. Of course I wouldn’t mind it if every person who buys a Harry Potter book at the same time picked up this one, but I don’t think I can reasonably expect that.

All of this has taught me an answer to a question I always used to ask… How come there isn’t a good book on this or that? Well the answer is probably because the person or person’s who know enough to write something good about it are too busy doing real work and don’t see enough fiscal benefit in writing. Consequently a lot of crappy books and few really good ones.

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