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Active Directory Cookbook 2nd Edition

by @ 6:24 pm on 1/1/2006. Filed under tech

I have agreed to be one of the technical review folks for the AD Cookbook 2E. If you are an AD person and don’t have the AD Cookbook 1st edition, shame on you, it is a great book with outstanding technical review work done on it[1].

So anyway, what do you think is missing from the book? I have an official input channel for additional needed recipes so if you think something should be added, email me or comment it and I will work to take care of getting it in there.

The chapter I wrote for the Windows Server Cookbook with Exchange recipes will be there in some shape or form which is good. Are there more Exchange recipes needed that are heavily AD based? How about recipes for other major ubiquitous apps? What about for your daily tasks that aren’t already in there. What kinds of things do you need to do all of the time that you try to do and you always hear, you should script that…

Let’s hear it.


[1] Yeah I was on the of the TR guys for that one too… There is also a recipe in there that says you need to use my unlock command line tool. I think that is superb writing… 😉

Rating 3.00 out of 5

One Response to “Active Directory Cookbook 2nd Edition”

  1. Hi Joe,

    Some ADAM stuff would be nice. Maybe some provisioning code for MIIS too…

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