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Goodbye C/C++ Users Journal

by @ 5:52 pm on 1/5/2006. Filed under tech

Well it seems one of my favorite magazines has been discontinued – C/C++ Users Journal.

That is one of two magazines I looked forward to seeing, the other magazine is Scientific American.

Both of the magazines generally spawn similar thoughts in my head when reading them… Oh that is cool and Wow I should probably have known that.

I will miss turning to the front and seeing the comments from the DinkumWare dude – P.J. Plauger. He always had some interesting thoughts.

He is the author of a favorite quote of mine that comes to mind when people describe themselves as an expert on something…

My definition of an expert in any field is a person who knows enough about what’s really going on to be scared.

There is something in his last editor’s forum for the mag which I have now also adopted as a good quote

Some people equate cynicism with a lack of dissimulation.

I especially like that quote.

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