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ADFIND Updated – V01.30.01

by @ 8:17 pm on 1/31/2006. Filed under tech

I hate when I do this. When I added the new switch info I added a bug to the usage and totally screwed up and didn’t test it.

My general process is to test adfind for bugs and then when it looks clean I update the usage with any new switches, recompile, doublecheck that the compile was good by running a couple of functions and then publish. Well I got bit by not checking Expert and Advanced help screens specifically because of the new help layout I specifically have to test each.

Anyway thanks to Mike Thommes for pointing out the bugs. They are now corrected in the release V01.30.01.

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2 Responses to “ADFIND Updated – V01.30.01”

  1. irish.bug says:


    I just ordered you book and I have a question for you that I am not sure is covered by the book. Does AD 2003 have a mechanism for dynamic groups based on attributes? I have read that Fedora Directory Server and a couple other LDAP servers have this. It seen very intriguing to me. I would love to offer this as part of my service to my clients. I am sure that using a combination of your tools, this could be done, but I wonder if there is native support for it.



  2. joe says:

    Nothing built in. There is a dynamic query based non-security group functionality in Exchange 2003 and also something in AZMan for security but is entirely for within AZMan

    You can implement functionality “like” this with sync software that occasionally updates the membership. I have seen HP’s LDSU tool implemented to do this in large financial company and it works great.


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