joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Support joeware and have fun at the same time…

by @ 10:57 pm on 2/2/2006. Filed under general

Order a joeware thong for your favorite Microsoft employee (TAM, PSS Engineer, MCS, PM, Product Dev, or even exec!). This is especially great if MS was helping you with something and said it couldn’t be done and then you found a joeware tool that could do it.

I would love to hear that Steve Ballmer or Bill Gates received one. I would really be thrilled to see a picture of them holding one. I would also get a chuckle out of it if Stuart Kwan or Iain McDonald received one.

At the same time, order yourself a coffee cup or something.

I have to make that more obvious on the site, I remembered it today because someone emails and said they saw someone wearing a joeware t-shirt and wanted to get one for themself. He said he couldn’t find it on the site. My bad. I will make it better. I am just happy someone bought a t-shirt and was willing to wear it in public. 🙂

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