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Sometimes titles are confusing…

by @ 11:51 am on 7/28/2006. Filed under tech

I was recently helping with an issue where someone was trying to set the security to allow some group to directly modify the title field in the Organization tab of Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) of users in a specific OU.

They followed the logical path of

  1. Right click on OU
  2. Select Properties
  3. Select the Security tab
  4. Click the Advanced button
  5. Click Add
  6. Type in or browse for security group to assign permissions to
  7. Click on the Properties Tab of the Permission Entry for [insert OU Name]
  8. Select User objects for the “Apply Onto” dropdown
  9. Clickedon Allow Read Title and Allow Write Title
  10. Clicked OK
  11. Clicked OK
  12. Clicked OK

They followed this logical path and then tried to get someone from the group to modify the title field on the Organization tab for one of the users in the OU… It doesn’t work… What happened?

First thing out of many folks mouths will be

  1. Didn’t wait for replication
  2. Didn’t log off or and log back on

If the person has been helping others for long enough they may even respond with

  1. Could be related to adminSDHolder functionality, is the user you are trying to modify in a builtin group that would cause Active Directory to smack your Security Descriptor?
  2. Are you sure you did it properly? Maybe you actually selected the wrong OU or didn’t actually hit OK or Apply at the right time and thought that hitting OK at the first screen was enough…

Unfortunately it could be all of those things, but it also doesn’t have to be any of them.

You see the issue here is with how ADUC uses display specifiers. These are a great idea, they allow you to specify what to translate attribute names to for display. For instance, you can add a display specifier such that the attribute description can be displayed as “Joe Rocks My World”, and then realize you spelled my name wrong and correct it to “joe Rocks My World”.

The issue though is that display specifiers are not used consistently… I can’t do any better than give an actual example. At random, let’s pick a field, say title from the Organization Tab….

One thing I will do to work out what fields in ADUC map to what AD attributes (note I purposely keep these terms separate as there is NOT a one to one relationship…) is dump the object I am about to modify and then update the field in ADUC with some goofy value and then dump the object again to see the attribute(s) that was/were changed[1].

So on my test joe userid  I update the Organization Tab’s title field to be “The 6 foot 1 inch driving ubergeek”.

I look at the object

G:\>adfind -default -f name=joe |grep -i title

AdFind V01.31.00cpp Joe Richards ( March 2006

>title: The 6 foot 1 inch driving ubergeek

So the title field in the ADUC Organization tab is actually the title attribute in AD… Ok that is easy to recall…

So now lets follow the directions way above to allow the TEST_DLG_SEC group to modify the title property and see what we really get…

According to adfind outputting the Security Descriptor for the user object and filtering for TEST_DLG_SEC we see for the

G:\>adfind -default -f name=joe ntsecuritydescriptor -resolvesids -sddl+ |grep TEST_DLG_SEC

AdFind V01.31.00cpp Joe Richards ( March 2006

>nTSecurityDescriptor: [DACL] OA;CIID;RPWP;personalTitle;user;TEST\TEST_DLG_SEC

 You see that!!!! That isn’t the title attribute… that is the personalTitle attribute… WTF!

Oh if you can’t read that, let me give it to you in DSACLS format

Allow TEST\TEST_DLG_SEC          SPECIAL ACCESS for personalTitle  
                                                  WRITE PROPERTY
                                                  READ PROPERTY

How did that happen? We already proved that the ADUC Organization Tab Form is showing the field Title and that maps to the title attribute in AD… How did we get to personalTitle???

Let’s go to the display specifiers… I just happen to know that we need to look at the User display specifier for the 409 region/language… Let’s dump the attributeDisplayNames attribute for that object and filter for title in the values

G:\>adfind -b “CN=user-Display,CN=409,CN=DisplaySpecifiers,CN=Configuration,DC=test,DC=loc” attributedisplaynames -mvfilter attributedisplaynames=title

AdFind V01.31.00cpp Joe Richards ( March 2006

Using server: r2dc2.test.loc:389
Directory: Windows Server 2003

>attributeDisplayNames: title,Job Title
>attributeDisplayNames: personalTitle,Title
1 Objects returned

 Oh so that is fun… title is mapped to “Job Title” and personalTitle is mapped to “Title”… Again WTF…

So now we realize that the form dialogs have fixed naming but some of the other items, notably the ACL editor, the find dialogs, the column manipulations for the right panel will do name translation based on the display specifiers… Yet again… WTF!

There is a logical reason for this that I expect is the answer but it sucks as an answer… The places where display specifiers are actually used are all variable width fields… You know this if you are a programmer, if you aren’t a programmer, take my word for it. In the form, that is all fixed so if you changed say title to display “What should all of you peons call me” (Dogbert is somewhere around here…) it would mess the form up and couldn’t be adjusted by the user….

So if that is it, I understand why it was done. However I think this is a big stupid confusing inconstistent mess around something that really doesn’t need any more stupid confusion… I like the idea of display specifiers but it needs to be consistent.

So what does this mean… It means the same thing I tell people all of the time, try not to use the GUI. I say that for lots of reasons such as the fact that if you consistently use the GUI you are not as efficient in your admin work as someone who doesn’t by a considerable margin… There is also more likelihood of making mistakes in the GUI (clicking the wrong thing, clicking at the wrong time, accidently dragging and dropping or dropping in the wrong place, etc). Finally, the GUI tends to lie to you more than the command line. Obviously this depends entirely on the programs being used but the mainstream admin tools lie considerably because Microsoft mostly has to assume the person doing the admin work could be a complete moron.

I am serious about this because there are quite a few morons who have found their way into admin positions, look around, you probably know a few yourself or don’t get nervous, but maybe it is you…. We can thank the GUI’ness of Admin’ing Windows Servers for that as well as the multitude of MCSE bootcamps and programs out there… Some people like to think that since they can find their way around the GUI, they must be smart enough to be an admin. Hiring managers, keep it up with that strategy, it will be a hoot to watch long term… Sure you saved money up front… what does that get you later though?

I just heard a commercial on the radio yesterday when driving around in thethat went something like… Tired of being stuck in your dead end job washing dishes or cleaning rooms and making less than $50k a year, come join our program to be an MCSE and get a job as a Windows Server Administrator… Hmmm we are appealing to dish washers and house cleaners to be Windows Administrators. Anyone else see this as one of the reasons Windows has a bad rap as a shitty OS? If all the morons of the world drove Volvo’s then Volvo probably wouldn’t have as good a safety record either.

As a whole, Windows has the least knowledgeable users and least knowledgeable admins of any OS, by a tremendous margin. Microsoft HAS to make the admin tools easy for uninformed people to use which means that the real stuff has to be covered up because under the covers it isn’t easy managing an OS or a distributed authentication system, etc.

So stick with DSACLS for setting permissions and if there is something it can’t set, use a script or LDP from ADAM R2/SP1. At least LDP isn’t trying to inconsistently dork around with the names. For just normal management of AD, use command line tools and scripts as well. Think how much more efficient you will be overall if it takes you a couple of seconds to add someone to a group versus a minute or more. If that isn’t enough to get you to do it… consider what you look like to others who are watching you do your work… I know if I watch an admin using the standard GUI tools to do all of their work I wonder just HOW inefficient they are, the question of whether or not they are inefficient is already answered at that point.


[1] This could also be done by looking at what changed in the replication metadata or having a script that watches a directory and tells you what changed. In actuality this last is what I tend to do myself nowadays but I can’t share the script that I do that with so I tell you the low tech method that I used to use to do it 6 years ago…


Rating 3.00 out of 5

4 Responses to “Sometimes titles are confusing…”

  1. Laura says:

    That must be a new national commercial, because I probably live about 1800 miles away from you and heard it for the first time yesterday as well. (And probably cringed just as badly as you did.)

  2. Mike Kline says:

    In some parts of the country it doesn’t matter if you know the GUI or the command line. If you have a clearance you are golden. If you have a Top Secret clearance with a polygraph investigation then stop reading this and start planning your move to the DC area because the streets are paved in gold for you.[1]

    I think that it is just as easy to make a mistake using the command line. For instance let’s say you are running an adfind query and then piping that into admod to make changes. Let’s say your query is too broad (ex: querying domain vs. an OU). Well then you have made a huge mistake if you unintentionally made changes to entire domain. My point is you have to be careful using either method GUI or command line. I do agree with you that UNIX admins and other admins are generally better.

    Some people may be reading this and saying that they don’t know how to do a lot of this stuff using command line. I would recommend Active Directory cookbook 2nd edition. Robbie and Laura have released a great book and the examples for every task include GUI, ds commands (if applicable), joeware tools, and scripts. So there are great resources out there. I’ll have to write an Amazon review for that book this weekend because it is really good.

    On another note, Amazon really needs to get things up to date. If you go to the AD cookbook 2nd edition page they have a “better together” deal with O’Reilly’s AD book… but that is the 2nd edition not the 3rd edition that you all released earlier this year. BAD Amazon!!

    I’ve also heard those MCSE commercials on the radio. I think it’s funny that a few years ago they were claiming $70,000+/yr jobs. Now they have come down after the .com bubble burst. I don’t think those training courses are so bad if the candidate with no experience takes his or her MCSE and parlays that into tier 1 level help desk position, then moves their way up over the next 5 years. Hiring that person to become an admin is just dumb.

    [1] A great way to get a clearance is to join the military. Not a bad option for the younger readers (although you can now join up to age 42). Having joined the Army in my teenage years I’m not sure how a 42 year old would keep up; but there are some 42 years olds that are in great shape so HOOOAAH & AIRBORNE to the older recruits 🙂

  3. joe says:

    Yeah I think the ads are national as a friend emailed me and said I thought what you did was hard…. Now they are advertising here that anyone can do it… Heh.

    I hear you on the clearance levels. I was actually chatting with someone about security clearance a couple of months ago and what a pain it is to get and maintain. I am not sure if I could get one, they would probably look at my blog and say, that boy has a big mouth… no way! 🙂

  4. DaveC says:

    Heh…a few years after the post on this one (!); I just happened to stumble on it and was curious how does ADUC map the proper attribute names to display names in the dialog boxes themselves? I’m guessing this is just hardcoded somewhere in the application? For example, physicalDeliveryOfficeName maps to “Office Location” in display specifiers for dsfind and columns, but in ADUC user dialog it is just “Office”. I was just curious where ADUC gets that from.


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