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What tech couldn’t you live without?

by @ 11:12 pm on 8/9/2006. Filed under tech

Scoble asks that question.

My response like for a lot of things is “It depends… what for?”.

For the most part, I can do days or weeks without tech. I hate phones and even though I have a cell phone I rarely carry it with me unless required. I don’t have a separate PDA. About the only thing I regularly use are my computers and quite frankly, if I am “going off the grid” as Scoble is supposed to be right now, I won’t take anything. That’s the point isn’t it? To get away from that stuff? I don’t want to be that connected and certainly I don’t want to be at anyone’s beck and call and wondering why I didn’t respond in 60 seconds or less.

Could I live without my computers. Absolutely, obviously not with my current job. But if I had no need for them in whatever job I had I could easily move into a nice little cabin and not use the internet nor computers at all. It would be a little to get used to at first but most of my life was lived without ready access to computers and I quite enjoyed it. Give me a nice quite place with lots of property, sunny days, and I am all set. That is just the little redneck backwoods northern Michigan boy coming out…

However if I do have computers, I damn well need high speed connectivity to download OS stuff from Microsoft/FreeBSD and check out MSDN Online.



Rating 3.00 out of 5

2 Responses to “What tech couldn’t you live without?”

  1. Mike Kline says:

    TV on Sunday’s during NFL season is what I would hate to lose the most…especially when the Redskins are playing.

    It would suck to lose email too because that is how I keep up with a lot of friends and family these days. I know people say use the phone but email is easier in my opinion.

  2. joe says:

    Yeah I keep touch with alot of people that way but I know they would all come visit me if I dropped off the grid to make sure I was still alive and ask me to change something in one of the tools. 🙂

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