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Vista and FireFox

by @ 6:26 pm on 8/23/2006. Filed under tech

I read this and thought it was pretty cool of Microsoft

The head of Microsoft’s open source lab is inviting Mozilla developers up to Redmond for some help in making sure Firefox and Thunderbird run on Windows Vista. The offer is part of a weekly lab Microsoft is holding for developers in order to reduce application compatibility problems….


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2 Responses to “Vista and FireFox”

  1. al says:

    This is funny. Firefox and Thunderbird run wonderfully on Vista as is.

    Maybe Microsoft just wants help with IE?

  2. joe says:

    Good be, but IE 7.0 isn’t too shabby either. It is annoyingly different like the LH and Vista GUI but it is also pretty like the LH and Vista GUI and should be safer like the LH and Vista GUI. I don’t expect them to be perfect, but I think MSFT is successfully raising the bar and has been for a couple of years now.

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