joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

AdMod V01.07.00

by @ 11:06 pm on 10/1/2006. Filed under updates

AdMod V01.07.00 is officially released…

You can download it from

As with AdFind, I have posted several glimpses into what this version can do here on the blog. Note that a couple of the previous usage scenarios were modified based on some usage feedback which should help make some things a little less confusing. Please read the USAGE screens completely for this new version, there is a TON of new features and they have oodles[1] of power. Here are the changes:

  • Fixed some memory leaks
  • Added +- operation, remove all values of multivalue and replace with specified values.
  • Added switches -permissive, -xdom, -delegation, -u, -up, -simple, -ssl, -rootdse, -null, -schema, -root, -config, -default, -rb, -upto, -counterstart, -expand, -bmod, -autobase, -po, -e, -ef, -import, -importexclattr, -replacedn, -replacedndelim, -dotcount
  • Added TXT## to binary encode
  • Added CSV functionality, see admod /sc?
  • Broke usage screens into sections
  • Output directory type/port info
  • Added shortcuts

I hope you enjoy it and find it useful. As always, if you encounter issues, please read the USAGE screens carefully and if that doesn’t clear it up, drop me an email. Oh, one thing you don’t have to tell me is that there aren’t examples of every switch, I know that. 🙂 I could end up writing examples of everything and I would end up with more lines of code dedicated to documenting the tool than the functions of the tool, since this is a free tool, that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense from my standpoint.



[1] Technical term… 🙂

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