joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Chevron posts $5 billion in profits for a single quarter????

by @ 8:11 pm on 10/28/2006. Filed under general

Hello… There are laws in Michigan that prevent individual service stations from taking advantage of situations and raising gas prices at the pump unnecessarily… Someone needs to be looking at the actual Oil companies…,1,4634694.story?coll=la-headlines-business

I was watching a show on Discover Channel a week or so ago and it was talking about some northern European country that had only a 10% dependence on oil and that was all for cars and now they are looking to go with energy cells. Everything else was geothermal and wind energy. Go team. I like the oil companies just as much as the next profiteer, but we need to do that overall as a country. Not wait until we are going to the gas pumps with shotguns. Mad Max was a fun movie but I don’t want to live that life.

The show also talked about some new nano-based solar technology. They could actually paint the solar cells onto anything. They discussed the roofs of houses, windows, paint on the side of the houses all being solar and generating enough current for the house. Imagine skyscrapers doing that as well and generating all of their power needs. We could pull down most of the power lines in the country, imagine how much prettier things would be. Also imagine how much less smog.



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