joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

I’m out there Jerry, and I’m lovin’ every minute of it!!!

by @ 7:11 pm on 10/30/2006. Filed under tech

The rumours are tearing across the internet… Vista is in the box. MSFT is alleged to have artifically bumped the build number to 6000…. As one unidentified friend quipped “kinda silly to bump the build # like that I think”, I have to say I agree… But it is kind of fun, wish they could slip another six in their somewhere….

So build number is alleged to be…


Of course I expect this is all perfectly true because I JUST this last weekend finally loaded 5744 on my main desktop which would mean I did it all for naught as I don’t upgrade, I raze the ground and plant afresh…. So instead of having SFMXP32 I have SFMVista32 right now. All of the same things mostly annoy me but less so. The UAC stuff has been cleaned up tremendously, so much so that I haven’t even gotten close to turning it off yet.

The new explorer with its tree view still irk me.

Overall though it moves pretty well and as I said before… It is very pretty. The screens are just brighter and happier and easier to read overall.

On the downside I actually submitted a couple more bugs this morning. Well one was with Vista and one was with the Beta Bug Submission tool, so one bug against Vista. It wasn’t anything big, not like the bug I submitted for how Vista was jamming special graphics characters into AD for its operating system name, they still haven’t fixed that. Most people won’t care, some people will think it is cool, others who actually do a lot of management, especially with scripts and command line are going to wonder what monkeys at MSFT are in charge…


Rating 3.00 out of 5

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