joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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This email gave me a little chuckle…

by @ 11:20 pm on 11/20/2006. Filed under general

I received this email previously but I just happened to stumble on it this evening when trying to clean my inbox[1]. It made me chuckle. I have to hand it to the guy for having the stones to write me and ask me to start charging for one of my utilities and being honest in why he wants me to do so… Obviously English isn’t the first language so it is a bit rough but I am honored the person took the time to write me in English at all.

Hello Joe,

why do you dont sell your tool cpau.
You know that cpau is an extremely popular tool and I know that you can
make much money with cpau because i have something similar like cpau
but i sell it.
And the money i get is good.
I think on me to write you. Because i hope that i can make more money if
you also sell cpau.
I am sure you can get much more money because your tool is very popular.

I hope you take a thought about it.
Sale is not so difficult.

kindly regards

[name withheld]



[1] I am odd with email, if I see an email of someone I want to respond to come in by itself I will get to it usually quickly or right after I finish up whatever that is preventing me on the spot from responding. However if the email comes in during one of the huge slews of non-spam email I tend to get then it is likely it will get lost in there for days or sometimes weeks or possibly even months when I find it during one of my “catch up” periods.

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One Response to “This email gave me a little chuckle…”

  1. Mike Kline says:

    Why sell when the big buyout is going to come.

    First Mark Russinovich sells his company and tools… then in a few years it will be your turn.

    The good news is with a one person company you get to keep all the profits 🙂

    Have a good Thanksgiving; and this thanksgiving sysadmins are definitely thanking you for your tool. In my case I also really enjoy reading your posts on the boards so thanks for the time you take there too.

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