joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

See the new joeware website…

by @ 3:43 pm on 3/18/2007. Filed under general

I have released the new joeware website to production. My hope is that it is easier to browse and locate what you need plus I expect folks will consider it to be much more up to date in its look.

If you have any comments or questions or issues with the site, please email me and let me know.

So how do you get to the new website??? Go to it by clicking on this link


Rating 3.00 out of 5

5 Responses to “See the new joeware website…”

  1. Daniel says:

    I am going to be a dick and say I do not like it. Your tools page is hard to ‘read’. The other pages are fine, because they don’t contain lists. Just my two cents though.

  2. David says:

    Love the utilities, but I gotta say that I’m not a fan of the new website. It’s just not good.

  3. joe says:

    Daniel: The page with all of the tools listed or the individual tool pages specific to each tool?

    David: Anything in particular?

  4. Mike Kline says:

    What if you left justify all the text? That may be the reason some people are saying it is hard to read.

    The animal pictures are taking up a lot of space on each page. What about a Staff page and then create a photo album there.

  5. bozi says:

    Me and my IT friends love your tools, we read everything you publish (book,blog,forums –AD list,etc..), and of course you saved us a lot of time (and money)…

    But honestly, I don’t like your site.

    To be specific?
    1. The text .why did you align to the right?
    2. The main menu. I don’t like the menu…

    And all the rest…

    In my opinion the old site was better.

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