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Positive Thinking…

by @ 11:45 am on 3/23/2007. Filed under quotes

I believe with positive thinking we can change things within ourselves and possibly some things within people around us, but changing the weather is clearly out.

Certainly you can change your opinion about the weather, a rain storm doesn’t necessarily have to be something that makes you sad or ruin your day. In fact, there are times when it can put a smile on your face. Like when you just listen to the rain and you watch all of the dirt and grime being washed away. Of course, it is much easier to smile when the sun is beaming, the bees are buzzing (or maybe that is the light drone of the cicada’s that let you know it is summer), the temperature is in the 80’s-90’s (26-37 c), and you have a nice gentle breeze to keep your skin feeling alive and muss the hair about your noggin.

   – me

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2 Responses to “Positive Thinking…”

  1. Mike.Kline says:

    It sounds like someone may have gotten you ‘The Secret’ in book or DVD format.

  2. joe says:

    Nope, I heave heard about that book but haven’t read it or indeed even seen it. This was in response to a conversation with a friend of mine. However, from what I heard of that book my comment probably applies. 🙂

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