joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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AdFind V01.37.00

by @ 12:20 am on 6/25/2007. Filed under updates

AdFind has been updated and uploaded to the website.

There is one change in there that may piss some people off, I changed the TZ text string on time decode with -utc switch from Coordinated Universal Time to UTC. I realize this may piss some people off, but I personally wanted it. I dump a lot of data with -utc specified and this will cut down on the size of the dumps considerably.

Something that some people may really like is a change to the SID resolution process for -resolvesids. I realized while looking at a network trace that if you have LDAP access to a non-trusted machine but not RPC access, the system really dorks around a lot in the background trying to resolve sids. So I changed how the whole SID resolution process works so it should be considerably faster in those circumstances.

I added several new shortcuts, some new special base options, decode more attributes, added some Longhorn (Windows Server 2008) decode stuff, updated the STATS capability for Longhorn (thanks to ~Eric for pointing out that MSFT broke that for me ;o).

Check it out –



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