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Bean Gosh

by @ 2:04 pm on 12/22/2008. Filed under recipes

This is a recipe from my grandmother.


Bean Gosh

1# hamburger & 1/2  chopped onion  fry together

Add  1 tsp salt

1 Tbsp. chili powder

1/2 cup catsup

1 tsp mustard

1 can refried beans

1 cup grated cheddar cheese

cook all together ’10 min. until cheese melts  & put in greased shallow baking dish (I usa my 9" pyrex dish)

bake one hour @ 250 degrees

use as dip for Dorito chips.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

One Response to “Bean Gosh”

  1. Andrew from Vancouver says:

    How about following that dinner with a nice artery clogging, dead-easy-to-make cookie recipe from a favourite webcartoonist?

    Similar to “Double-Tundra Hanukah Snowball Cookies”

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