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by @ 1:15 am on 4/8/2009. Filed under tech

I have spoken about this tool before. The old version I have is hands down the best file copy app out there. I expect this newer version that is now publicly available is just as good… Thanks to Scott C for letting me know this was now out there.



Rating 3.00 out of 5


  1. Andrew from Vancouver says:

    A pity they still haven’t fixed the typo in the “Create directoy only when it has a child” option.

  2. Mike Kline says:

    I saw that in the magazine but haven’t tested it yet. Have you ever used Secure Copy by Script Logic? We had that at DoD and it was good.

    Sounds like this may be just as good. The price is definitely better.

  3. benwaynet says:

    I doesn’t look like it from the image, but can this tool copy ACL for files and directories like robocopy?

  4. joe says:

    benwaynet: Yep, in advanced mode you can set options to copy the DACL, SACL, Owner, and/or Group info from the SD. Can log your actions (with granular control over what you log including performance of copy, etc).

    It really does knock everything else I have seen dead in the water.

  5. benwaynet says:

    WOW, sounds great. One more question. Does it do incremental copies?

    Thanks for the link to this great tool

  6. joe says:

    benwaynet: To a degree and based on so many different criteria you wouldn’t believe it. Download it and look at it. I am sure you will be quite pleased.

  7. I did download, and I can say its pretty awesome.

    I was frustrated with vista’s backup solution, so I had to look for something better on the web.

    The only con is that after 2 hours of use, I still didn’t figure out how to run it with Windows Scheduler.

    Anyone has a tip?


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