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Re-Awarded the Microsoft MVP for Directory Services. :)

by @ 10:36 am on 10/1/2009. Filed under general

Seems my value to the community is still enough to merit recognition. I am very happy to be in a position to help folks out with the things I have learned and the things I am still learning every day. 🙂


Congratulations! We are pleased to present you with the 2009 Microsoft® MVP Award! This award is given to exceptional technical community leaders who actively share their high quality, real world expertise with others. We appreciate your outstanding contributions in Directory Services technical communities during the past year.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

3 Responses to “Re-Awarded the Microsoft MVP for Directory Services. :)”

  1. Christian says:

    What MVP’s do for other sysadmins is really great.
    I myself nearly every day use the knowledge that mvp’s spreaded throughout the internet. So in my opinion you can feel quite honored for what you are doing and for this award.

  2. Congrats Joe.

    This is only a small peace of the great job you come doing to the community.Thanks for the great tools ( Adfind = P )


  3. Mike Kline says:

    Outstanding!!! At some point they are going to give you the lifetime MVP for Directory Services. 🙂

    Great work as usual Joe. Look forward to meeting you at the summit.

    Talk to you later


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