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AdFind V01.43.00 and AdMod V01.14.00 Released

by @ 11:45 pm on 2/13/2011. Filed under tech, updates

The Kleine Schmetterling release of AdFind/AdMod has hit the free tools portion of the web site. I will be back to write up more on the new features and fixes, right now I am going to go to bed, I just spent the last hour fighting with MSFT Expressions Web where it kept crashing on me over and over again so I am not feeling like I want to type much more now. 🙂


See the AdFind update info at

See the AdMod update info at



Rating 4.60 out of 5

2 Responses to “AdFind V01.43.00 and AdMod V01.14.00 Released”

  1. joe says:

    Just found out that some LDAP Directories don’t automatically return supportedControl when you ask for the rootdse without specifying attributes so these directories are causing the new adfind to bail immediately with “ERROR: Directory does not support Paging…”

    I am working on a fix now. So if you use a non-MSFT LDAP directory, test retrieving an object before swapping out the old version for the new. If you do get an error, use the old version to query the RootDSE and look for the supportedControl attribute. If it isn’t there, specifically ask for it. Then also look for

    1.2.840.113556.1.4.319 [LDAP_PAGED_RESULT_OID_STRING]

    [Edit 2011-02-15] Changed supportControl to supportedControl

  2. Scotte says:

    Thanks dude. It’s such a blessing to have such high quality software that’s free to boot. So much commercial software has things hacked together just enough to get a shipping product and it’s very refresing to see this continually improved and updated.


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