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I love my Roku.

by @ 1:59 pm on 3/17/2012. Filed under general

I just wanted to share that bit of info. I just found out that Deadliest Catch (all seasons) has been added to the Prime (i.e. free to watch) so that means the whole last season of Deadliest Catch that got lost when my g/f’s DVR went up in smoke so I never got to see it I can no watch… in HIGH DEF even which her DVR wasn’t even capable of doing…

Mythbuster’s Seasons 1-7 are free.

Red Vs Blue (for the Halo Nerds) is free.

Many many movies and TV Shows as well.


Oh, BTW, if you want to get a Roku, here is a link to get one at discount with free shipping.



Rating 4.00 out of 5

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