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No more Aero…

by @ 10:53 am on 5/24/2012. Filed under general

Microsoft is killing Aero in Windows 8. Except for the excessive performance hit (I figured they would work that out) I actually liked Aero but then I was the guy looking for alternate desktops all the way back in W2K time frames for alternate desktop systems with transparent window capability. I like the look. I would love having the ability on Windows to have several command prompt windows running and be able to see through them to the command prompt windows beneath and see what they are doing as well. The need has diminished with multiple monitors but I would still really like it for my laptops.



p.s. I absolutely detest the Metro interface. If forced to use that interface on my desktop or laptop I would choose FreeBSD.

Rating 4.50 out of 5

2 Responses to “No more Aero…”

  1. jkavanagh58 says:

    While I might not use the term “detest” I agree with the statement. I do not see dumbing down my laptops and desktops, and hey Windows 7 is still pretty damn strong and I can put Powershell V3 on it. No Win8 for me.

  2. jkavanagh58 says:

    and let me say, I am a Windows Phone user, and I really do think Metro is a great fit in it’s application on such a device. I am not a tablet user but understand the market for it and it’s applicability and the win8 metro first might work for that. For traditional computing, and I don’t see it ending any time soon, this is a bad move.

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