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Active Directory 5th Edition

by @ 10:59 am on 8/8/2012. Filed under tech

Not that I need anything else on my plate at the moment with all of the busy-ness of summer but the chapter drafts for Active Directory 5E has hit my inbox and I am told need to be reviewed by August 20th. So good news on the progress on AD5E, boo on its timing. 😉



p.s. The Wiki work is still in progress. 🙂

Rating 4.25 out of 5

4 Responses to “Active Directory 5th Edition”

  1. steve says:

    and when you finish that 🙂 any chance of a book along the line of Mark Russinovich’s “Windows Sysinternals Administrator’s Reference”.. you know a text for those of us who are a bit more challenged than most? No need to publish this , its a note, (plea) to you.

    • joe says:

      LOL no promises. I will have to look at what Mark did. I have been trying to put together a joeware book now for I don’t know how many years, can’t seem to keep the schedule clear enough to pull it off. But it does talk about command line basics etc as well so you understand why certain commands typed in certain ways don’t work, etc.

  2. Mike Kline says:

    Is Brian still the lead author? That combo of the both of you on this book has worked out great. This book should be an instant buy/pre-order for anyone that has an interest in Active Directory.

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