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Forcing replication of SYSVOL via NTFRS

by @ 2:08 pm on 10/18/2012. Filed under tech

I have been asked this question something like four or five times by different people in the last three days who say they can’t seem to google the answer so here it is…

ntfrsutl.exe forcerepl DestinationDC /r "Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share)" /p


So if I have a PDC of and I have a DC named and I want to force replication of sysvol from the PDC to the DC, the command would be


ntfrsutl.exe forcerepl DC1 /r "Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share)" /p


ntfrsutl.exe forcerepl /r "Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share)" /p


That is all…



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2 Responses to “Forcing replication of SYSVOL via NTFRS”

  1. Doug says:

    I assume this is only if you haven’t moved your SYSVOL to DFSR replication under 2008?

    • joe says:

      Yes… Lots of folks out there, unfortunately, still on Windows Server 2003 or just haven’t upgraded to DFSR.

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