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Writing changes to only one ADAM/ADLDS instance

by @ 4:15 pm on 10/31/2012. Filed under tech

Since ADAM first came out I have received a similar question from several admins and developers (at least double digit but definitely not triple digit numbers) asking how they could make it so changes could only be written to a single ADAM instance so they could control the flow of replication better or always know they had at least one place they could always go for the absolute latest info like, for example, with the PDC and user account passwords in Windows Active Directory Domains. That way if an auth failure occurs, they can manually implement a PDC Chain like functionality. But this could be for other needs as well when you MUST know the absolute current answer to a given question and can’t trust that replication has occurred since the last change.

I wanted to go back to those folks to see how many actually implemented the process I described and if so, what issues they may have encountered with it and possibly what changes they made to the basic model to make it work more efficiently for them. I started searching my email and was not able to track any of them down which is certainly a failure on my part to properly archive my emails all in a nice clean single location (some day that may be the case…) combined with the destruction of I don’t know how many desktop and laptop machines since ADAM came out.

Anyway, I am hoping that one or more of those people may see this blog post and respond to me with feedback on the method. Basically that method involves using local IDs on a single ADAM instance machine.

So if anyone is using this method, please send me feedback (email or comment is good) on how it is working out. If I told you about it either through direct email or responding to a post in a newsgroup, please indicate that, if you got that solution from someone else (I am curious how many people invented this same solution) please indicate that as well. Or if you are just interested in hearing about how to set this up, please let me know that as well.



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