joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Please Vote!!!

by @ 1:17 pm on 6/17/2013. Filed under general

I have a personal request of everyone that reads this blog or knows someone who reads this blog or if you even just have a computer! My girlfriend Tracy Stefanides has been nominated for a customer service award called the ROSE award here in the Detroit Metro area. She is really good at what she does and really deserves this recognition. If you could go to this link

and vote for her  that would be great! If you can, vote from multiple devices and/or browsers. 🙂

Please vote by June 22nd!


    thanks, joe

Rating 4.50 out of 5

4 Responses to “Please Vote!!!”

  1. joe says:

    Many of you may recall meeting Tracy at TEC a few years ago.

  2. R says:


  3. joe says:

    Thanks everyone, she will know in late August whether or not she won. Either way she appreciates all of the support. 🙂


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