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P.I.T.A. changing DVD drive in Dell Studio 1749

by @ 8:32 pm on 1/8/2014. Filed under tech

My DVD burner in my Dell Studio 1749 failed so I had to replace it. I figured, this should be easy. I looked online and found a cheap drive on eBay for $17, it got to me in a couple of days.

Replacing DVD drives is something I have done in previous HP laptops quickly and easily, in fact I just replaced the DVD burner with an extra hard drive in my HP work laptop a couple of months ago.

Not so easy with the Dell Studio 1749. I effectively had to tear the entire laptop apart to replace the DVD drive including disconnecting every cable internally (major pain with those tiny connectors) and pull out the wireless and subwoofer wires from the palm rest so that I could lift it from the main body. I do not recommend doing this.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

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