joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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AdFind is back in the garage… FINALLY!

by @ 4:12 pm on 1/12/2014. Filed under tech

I haven’t gotten AdFind/AdMod converted over to Visual Studio yet so I am performing another update using CodeGear C++ Builder (formerly Borland C++ Builder).

I have been having a lot of difficulty finding free time to work on joeware stuff the last 18 or so months since I moved to a new role in my "real" job and have working mad hours on it but have made a promise to myself to find more time to, amongst other things, work on joeware. I really really want to get AdFind/AdMod moved to VS so I can start compiling x86 and x64 versions of it for folks. However that has been rather challenging and time consuming and of course I as I go into functions I haven’t looked at for a decade I think of better ways to handle them so get distracted doing that.

Anyway… As of 1AM EST this morning it has begun!

//* V01.48.00  2014.0112      o 1/12    Added Win2012R2 decode strings      *
//*                                     Fixed bugs with reporting of funct  *
//*                                       modes for forest and DC for 2012  *
//*                                     Decodes for > 2012r2 in place       *

I have several new shortcuts I want to put in, several bug fixes, and some new 2012R2 functionality I want to work out and put into AdFind/Mod. If you have thoughts and/or ideas of things that, let me know!

I have already found two bugs in Windows Server 2012 R2.


The first is that they forgot to add a new supportedCapabilities OID for Windows Server 2012 R2.

>supportedCapabilities: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.800 [LDAP_CAP_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_OID]
>supportedCapabilities: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1670 [LDAP_CAP_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_V51_OID]
>supportedCapabilities: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1791 [LDAP_CAP_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_LDAP_INTEG_OID]
>supportedCapabilities: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1935 [LDAP_CAP_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_V60_OID]
>supportedCapabilities: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.2080 [LDAP_CAP_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_V61_R2_OID]
>supportedCapabilities: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.2237 [LDAP_CAP_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_W8_OID]

So now you can’t use supportedCapabilities exclusively to determine OS level of the AD which may impact some apps and people who use that in scripts.

The second is in the ADAM and is simply a typo that I found when installing it and it asked which schemas I wanted:



I didn’t have time to test the 2012R2 beta and see what happens?? A couple of things  I would have found and reported to them in the first 30 minutes after installing the OS.




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