joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Every direction I look I see another form of stupidity or cluelessness…

by @ 12:22 pm on 6/16/2014. Filed under quotes, tech

Every direction I look I see another form of stupidity or cluelessness. It is like everyone is standing around saying what they will do and no one is actually trying to figure out what we need and making sure what we do aligns with what we need.

Rating 4.25 out of 5

2 Responses to “Every direction I look I see another form of stupidity or cluelessness…”

  1. Eric Fleischman says:

    I hit the site today and thought, wow, 10+ years later, joe is still in the AD world…he must have reached some sort of place of zen by now! Then I read this post. No zen…same joe. 😉

    • joe says:

      I am in AD Zen, just not corp world zen… I think there is a serious attempt to Peter Principle me… 😉

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