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Hey joe, How Do I Get a Listing of the Number of Direct Members in All Groups in a Domain or Forest

by @ 7:08 pm on 11/17/2016. Filed under tech


If you need to quickly get a handle on how many members each group in your domain or forest has, here is a quick and dirty method of generating that information:

Retrieving information for a single domain:

adfind -default -f objectcategory=group member -csv -cv

Which would look like

C:\>adfind -default -f objectcategory=group member -csv -cv
"CN=Print Operators,CN=Builtin,DC=testvn,DC=testvg,DC=loc","0"
"CN=Backup Operators,CN=Builtin,DC=testvn,DC=testvg,DC=loc","0"

If you have a large environment you may need to add -t 0 to disable an LDAP timeout.

This could also be done by specifying the domain or even a container somewhere within a given domain via the -b switch like -b dc=testvn,dc=testvg,dc=loc instead of -default (which is a shortcut or alias for “Look up the default domain DN and use it”) or by specifying a specific domain name via the host switch such as -h testvn.testvg.loc

Note that primary group membership is maintained in a different manner and will not be reported this way. See primaryGroupID attribute on a user object for this info.

If you need this information for an entire forest, you can use a for /f loop to execute a similar command above for every domain.

for /f %i in (‘adfind -sc domainlist’) do @adfind -h %i -default -f objectcategory=group member -csv -cv -nocsvheader

That would produce commands like

adfind -h testvg.loc -default -f objectcategory=group member -csv -cv -nocsvheader

adfind -h testvn.testvg.loc -default -f objectcategory=group member -csv -cv –nocsvheader

You will note the use of -csvheader, that switch turns off the header so it isn’t repeated for every domain so you will have a cleaner CSV output.

Alternately, if you would like the output for each domain to go to its own individual text CSV file, you could do something like

for /f %i in (‘adfind -sc domainlist’) do @adfind -h %i -default -f objectcategory=group member -csv -cv >%i.csv

Which would look like:

C:\>for /f %i in (‘adfind -sc domainlist’) do @adfind -h %i -default -f objectcategory=group member -csv -cv >%i.csv

C:\>dir *.csv
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 2C39-AD1C

Directory of C:\

10/05/2012  11:10 AM             2,085 testvg.loc.csv
10/05/2012  11:10 AM             2,269 testvn.testvg.loc.csv
               2 File(s)          4,354 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  10,312,482,816 bytes free

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