joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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Archive for September 22nd, 2017

Using Restricted Groups GPO for Domain Groups

by @ Friday, September 22nd, 2017. Filed under tech

DO NOT DO IT! JUST STOP! DON’T!!! NO!!! It is such a bad idea and it isn’t security. You want security, clean up access rights so the wrong people can’t modify the groups in the first place. If you don’t trust your admins, you need to fire them and get admins you do trust. Here […]

NETDOM bug for /namesuffixes switch

by @ Friday, September 22nd, 2017. Filed under tech

A bit of a bug there Microsoft… [Fri 09/22/2017 22:50:53.57] C:\>netdom trust k16tst.test.loc /namesuffixes:k16tst2.test.loc    Name, Type, Status, Notes 1. *.hello.k16tst2.test.loc, Exclusion 2. *.k16tst2.test.loc, Name Suffix, Admin-Disabled 3. k16tst2.test.loc, Domain DNS name, Enabled 4. K16TST2, Domain NetBIOS name, Admin-Disabled, For k16tst2.test.loc 5. s-1-5-21-2034487785–2134286760–1379125265, Domain SID, Admin-Disabled, For k16tst2.test.loc The command completed successfully. VERSUS [Fri 09/22/2017 […]

There is a huge difference…

by @ Friday, September 22nd, 2017. Filed under quotes

There is a huge difference between software written by people who actually use it and people who just write it.    – me Rating 4.50 out of 5

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