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Fun with AD ACLs and ADSI

by @ 9:17 pm on 8/4/2005. Filed under tech

Last night when I was working on the script for doing more granular delegations for the confidentiality bit I ran out to google to look one of the constants or something up and ran into a post of a friend of mine in the newsgroups from a couple of years ago. I didn’t see it then or else I would have responded. So I responded today to him. 🙂

Then I thought, surely this is documented now. I went looking around and couldn’t find anything anywhere so I am going to do a little write up here so that I remember it and it is found by others who need to look.

The issue is around the “Invalid class string” error. It is error code 0x800401f3 or CO_E_CLASSSTRING. You hit it when you try to assign the SD to the nTSecurityDescriptor attribute like so



(also perl)


adsBase.put "nTSecurityDescriptor",sd

What I have found on different occasions is that the issue comes down to what you have set on ObjectType and InheritedObjectType. The format of these properties is supposed to be a GUID in string format like {BF967950-0DE6-11D0-A285-00AA003049E2}. So if you aren’t following that format, expect that error.

Now something else that you wouldn’t expect because it goes against standard programming practices is the idea of “blanking” out a value. I am quite used to doing things like


regardless of language.

However if you do that with ObjectType and InheritedObjectType and you don’t set a GUID over the top of it, then you will get that beautiful “Invalid Class String” error above. So for a real example, don’t do something like this.

set addace = CreateObject("AccessControlEntry")

Note the line


that is enough to cause ADSI to throw an error.


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