I was working on testing the new ADFIND beta (V01.27.00 beta 2)this evening when I ran into what confused the heck out of me and I eventually decided it might be a bug. I was trying to list some schema attributes and I had a strong idea of what should be returned…
The query was
adfind -schema -f "ldapdisplayname=*meta*" ldapdisplayname -list -sort
Well I get the output of
and I think…. linkTrackVolumeTable? That isn’t a metadata attribute, what the heck is that doing there.
After I spend a good amount of time trying to figure it out I don’t, so I send it to a couple of friends and one of them responds via email… How odd, I get the same results.
Then after 5 or 10 minutes or so my friend IMs me and says and I quote
“We’re knobs”
“Utter knobs”
Of course my immediate super intelligent reply is “Huh?” (My favorite reply BTW, very non-committal)
Now I need to figure out how to get ADFIND to highlight the portion of the object that matches the filter I submitted.
Wait. Let me guess. It’s going to be hard, I know, but would that friend happen to have been….Dean? 🙂