joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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My birthday is coming up…

by @ 6:35 pm on 1/11/2006. Filed under tech

… in several months, if you have the spare cash, I could use two of these babies and the video cards necessary to hook them up… thanks…

Dell 30″ UltraSharp Widescreen Flat Panel
As the largest and highest resolution display in Dell’s flat panel lineup to date, the Dell 30″ UltraSharpTM Widescreen Monitor is optimized for video editing, pre-press editing, 3D modeling, CAD, visualization, digital photography and gamers.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

One Response to “My birthday is coming up…”

  1. Laura says:

    Okay, you gave me a start there, as I had a moment of “Hang on, I thought joe and Dean’s birthdays were in, like, April?” 🙂

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