We are pleased to announce that a new employee has joined joeware. His name is Fredrick or as he prefers to be called, Freddie. His formal full name for those who need to track this sort of thing is Professor/Dr./Mr. Fredrick (sic) Nietzsche.
Freddie is Vice President of Research and Development and has also requested to be in charge of the raisin snacks. Freddie comes to us directly from a large pet firm where he was the Director of the “cute and cuddly creatures in need of rescue from woefully ill informed employees and managers” department. He was misunderstood and likely mistreated in his last firm and they even thought he was diurnal which is obviously quite incorrect so Freddy’s true talents were probably not appreciated.
Freddie has been running around and generally enjoying himself and has been quite adept at picking up the “Jackie Chan” style of climbing the corporate ladder that CFO Mr. Ichabod Peabody has evangalized since he first joined joeware. If you are unaware of the “Jackie Chan” style of locomotion which is simply known as “Jackie Channing” it the mechanism by which you climb the corporate levels by jumping from one wall to another gaining height with each wall jump. Please see any Jackie Chan movie for a full demonstration.
We are quite proud and excited to have Freddie on board with us now and expect great things out of him.