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Symantec Says Its Own AV Product Has Zero-Day Vulnerability

by @ 11:35 pm on 5/26/2006. Filed under general


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2 Responses to “Symantec Says Its Own AV Product Has Zero-Day Vulnerability”

  1. This is even omre funny when You firest read this:

    But this should be learning for Symantec and other compnies and specially compny I work for (MS 🙂 ) to never become to humble about their product, and never let yourself be blinded by marketing and other such stuff.

  2. Alun Jones says:

    Seems like you’d design your virus scanner with two components – one that has higher privileges, and opens files (with read access only), then passes the handles to the actual scanner, which runs as low privilege, so that the obvious buffer overflow attacks only get low privilege, and even if they achieve remote execution, can only scan data.
    That’s how it seems, anyway. 🙂

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