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The AFA is really beating Ford up…. Not!

by @ 1:10 am on 7/21/2006. Filed under general

Well I received another email from the AFA claiming they are somehow impacting Ford Motor Company. They admit that they aren’t responsible for all of the loss Ford has had but feel they undoubtably are contributing. Interestingly the AFA doesn’t mention that Ford is actually doing better domestically than previously… Last year at this time Ford lost $907 million in North America and this year they lost $797 million… I highly doubt the AFA has ANY pull ANYWHERE outside of the USA so this seems to mean that Bill Ford can continue ignoring the AFA because, yes, I can see that the AFA is having an impact. [eg]

I couldn’t find the numbers quickly so I gave up but I am pretty confident that GM and Chrysler are losing more money right now overall as well and in fact I think may have had more drop than Ford did. But that is just what I think I recall hearing on the radio. The SE Michigan area tends to have a lot of radio chatter about how the Big 3 are doing for some reason…

So the AFA has a poll about whether you would start buying Ford vehicles if Ford starts treating Homosexuals as the AFA feels it should. I went out to the poll to say NO I wouldn’t buy a Ford if that were the case and low and behold you CAN’T vote NO on the poll, you can only vote YES. Interesting poll strategy. I bet the YESes outnumber the NOs by the end of the poll…

So here is the AFA note if you want to see it.


July 20, 2006

Ford Suffers $123 Million Loss In Second Quarter – Take Our Poll

Would you consider a Ford product when purchasing a new automobile if Ford would honor their agreement to remain neutral in the homosexual marriage battle?

Dear Joe,

Ford Motor Company has announced they posted an unexpected second-quarter loss of $123 million. While the boycott of Ford was not the sole cause of the loss, it no doubt has affected the sales.

Chairman Bill Ford seems intent to take Ford into bankruptcy to appease a handful of homosexual leaders. In order to show Chairman Ford that people would consider purchasing a new Ford product if the company stopped their promotion of the homosexual agenda, including homosexual marriage, AFA is conducting a poll.

Would you consider buying a Ford product on your next vehicle purchase if Chairman Bill Ford honors the commitment Ford made to AFA in November, and then later reneged on after pressure from a few homosexual leaders. That agreement had the following points:

  • Ford would not renew current promotions or create future incentives that give cash donations to homosexual organizations based on the purchase of a vehicle.
  • Ford would not make corporate donations to homosexual organizations that, as part of their activities, engage in political or social campaigns to promote civil unions or same-sex marriage.
  • Ford would stop giving cash and vehicle donations or endorsements to homosexual social activities such as Gay Pride parades.
  • Ford would cease all advertising in homosexual websites and media outlets (magazines, television, radio) in the U.S. with the exception of $100,000 to be used by Volvo. The Volvo ads would be the same ads used in the general media and not aimed at the homosexual community specifically.

If Ford would honor their original agreement with AFA, would you consider a Ford product when purchasing a new vehicle?

Take Action

Show Chairman Ford that his company could benefit by remaining neutral in the cultural battle over homosexual marriage.

Sign the poll question today! We’ll let Chairman Ford know that hundreds of thousands would consider purchasing Ford products if he would honor his earlier agreement.

Forward this poll to your friends and family.


Click Here to Take the Poll Now!

If you think our efforts are worthy, would you please support us with a small gift? Thank you for caring enough to get involved.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

2 Responses to “The AFA is really beating Ford up…. Not!”

  1. Missy says:

    I called and left a nice message for Randy Sharp at the AFA. If he calls me back, I’ll let you know what he says regarding the lack of ability to vote “no” on their, um, poll.

  2. joe says:

    Hmm, yes I will be curious as to what they say and how they defend that as being a “poll”.

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