joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for July, 2006

Holy Feedback Batman…

by @ Saturday, July 8th, 2006. Filed under general

The last blog post generated a considerable amount of offline feedback to me. This always cracks me up as so many people seem to be against posting comments. Comment away folks, but if you want to email me directly that is fine as well… So the feedback seemed to fall into three main categories There […]

Makes me proud (at least for now)

by @ Friday, July 7th, 2006. Filed under general

I stopped in to check on the status of one of my long running experiments today… Basically I went and had lunch with some old friends who I used to work with in my last job (fired from a little over two years ago). We do this once a month or so and catch up and […]

Quite cool…

by @ Wednesday, July 5th, 2006. Filed under general

A year or two ago I got an email from someone trying to use some of my tools at JPL (for the non-geeks, that would be the Jet Propulsion Lab) which was way cool. Today I got an email from a guy using adfind and admod at NASA. That just puts a smile on my face. […]

joeware moved to new platform…

by @ Wednesday, July 5th, 2006. Filed under general

According to an email I received this morning, the joeware site was moved to a new platform (not exactly sure what that means) by my ISP over the holiday. If you see anything not working right, please email me.    joe Rating 3.00 out of 5

For my American Friends…

by @ Saturday, July 1st, 2006. Filed under general

Happy Independence Day Wheekend for you Americans (United Statesians?) Happy Canada Day Wheekend for you Canadians. (Though you are American too, just not United States Americans, though Windsor may be an exception…)   Dr Wheek is now Independence Day Wheek…     Rating 3.00 out of 5

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