joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for August 24th, 2006

Test post from Windows Live Writer

by @ Thursday, August 24th, 2006. Filed under general

So everyone keeps raving about WIndows Live Writer so I downloaded it tonight and we will see how it goes… The cool thing is that it integrates right into your blog software, I am running WordPress as I have mentioned in the past and it seems to work fine with that… But then, that is […]

HOW DO I: Transfer the PDC master role with AdMod… [REVISITED]

by @ Thursday, August 24th, 2006. Filed under tech

Ok… so let me claim being too busy to properly write the previous blog entry about transfering the PDC master role… I totally forgot that I made it a trifle easier to use AdMod than what I documented… This is my utility flexibility coming back to bite me… But then, maybe I bit me, no one […]

Warning: Upcoming LDAPS change in WLDAP32.DLL in Windows Server 2003 SP2…

by @ Thursday, August 24th, 2006. Filed under tech

There is an interesting conversation that spun up over on when someone needed to troubleshoot an LDAPS issue when querying an AD DC through a firewall. The issue ended up being due to not having the certificate chain (i.e. didn’t trust the root) installed on the client machine but it flushed out a change that […]

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