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AdMod Shortcut Usage Screen

by @ 11:27 pm on 9/13/2006. Filed under general

F:\Dev\CPP\AdMod>admod -sc? AdMod V01.07.00cpp_BETA1 Joe Richards ( September 2006 -help Basic help. -? Basic help. -?? Advanced help. -???? Shortcut help. -sc? Shortcut help. -csv? CSV / ADCSV help. Usage: AdMod [switches] [attr-action] Switches: (designated by - or /) AdMod Shortcuts =============== Shortcuts are not actual commands themselves but instead are shortcuts to other commands so you do not have to recall or type the longer commands. Shortcuts actually a combination of various other switches. To see exactly what switches are specified on your behalf, use the -po switch in combination with the shortcut switch and it will show you everything that is submitted. Since these shortcuts are simply a combination of switches auto-entered for you it means that generally you can use the other switches to add to the query to focus it further or get output closer to what you need. If you have an issue with any of these shortcuts, remember you can just enter the proper combination of real switches yourself. In general the shortcuts will work on Windows 2000 AD, Windows Server 2003 AD, and ADAM. Any limitations should be notated under the specific shortcut documentation. --------------Shortcuts-------------- -sc help Display Shortcut usage OPERATIONAL SHORTCUTS ********************** -sc refresh Schema cache refresh (schemaUpdateNow) -sc defrag:xx Initiate AD DIT Online Defrag. xx is the number of seconds to run the defrag. (doOnlineDefrag) -sc checkphantoms Check phantoms. Run on IM. (checkPhantoms) -sc fixlinks Fix links. Run on IM. (doLinkCleanup) -sc refreshugc Update Universal Group Cache. (updateCachedMemberships) -sc xferallroot:xxx Transer all Root Domain Roles. xxx is domain SID. Move Schema, Domain Naming, PDC, IM, and RID Roles. -sc xferall:xxx Transer all Domain Roles. xxx is domain SID. Move PDC, IM, and RID roles. -sc xferschema Transer schema role to this machine (becomeSchemaMaster). -sc xferdm Transer Domain Master to this machine (becomeDomainMaster). -sc xferrid Transer Rid Master to this machine (becomeRidMaster). -sc xferim Transer Infrastructure Master to this machine (becomeInfrastructureMaster). -sc xferpdc:xxx Transer PDC to this machine. xxx is domain SID (becomePdc). -sc ddb:xx Dump Database, xx specifies space delimited list of attributes (dumpDatabase). -sc refreshrid:xxx Refresh RID pool. xxx is domain SID (invalidateRidPool). -sc fi Rebuild object container ancestry during SDPROP. (fixupInheritance). -sc rh Recalculate GAL/NSPI Hierarchy. (recalcHierarchy). -sc gc Start garbage collection (doGarbageCollection). -sc rso:xxx:yyy Replicate single object DN yyy from NTDS Settings DN xxx (replicateSingleObject). -sc removelo:xxx:yyy Remove lingering object. xxx is GUID of Master DC, yyy is GUID of object. (removeLingeringObject). MISC SHORTCUTS ************** -sc uacset:xxx Set UAC value. Must be used in combincation with adfind -adcsv with userAccountControl specified in outputted attributes. -sc uacclear:xxx Clear UAC value. Must be used in combincation with adfind -adcsv with userAccountControl specified in outputted attributes. xxx Values: ACCOUNTDISABLE - Disable Account (2) PASSWD_NOTREQD - Password not required (32) DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWORD - Don't expire password (65536) SMARTCARD_REQUIRED - Smart card required (262144) TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION - Trusted for delegation (524288) USE_DES_KEY_ONLY - Use DES key only for Kerberos (2097152) DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH - Don't require Preauthentication (4194304) TRUSTED_TO_AUTHENTICATE_FOR_DELEGATION - Trusted to authenticate (16777216) -sc ad-disable Shorter cut for uacset:accountdisable. -sc ad-enable Shorter cut for uacclear:accountdisable. This software is Freeware. Use it as you wish at your own risk. I do not warrant this software to be fit for any purpose or use and I do not guarantee that it will not damage or destroy your system. See full Warranty documentation on If you have improvement ideas, bugs, or just wish to say Hi, I receive email 24x7 and read it in a semi-regular timeframe. You can usually find me at
Rating 3.00 out of 5

One Response to “AdMod Shortcut Usage Screen”

  1. dgj says:

    Are you some kind of genius? Just say, yes.

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