joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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Ethereal -> WireShark

by @ 11:44 pm on 10/2/2006. Filed under tech

I talk about Ethereal a lot because I believe it is an extremely useful tool. If you don’t know, it is a network “sniffer” utility. I.E. It captures network packets for display or analysis. I love the tool, I used to use Microsoft’s NetMon but several years ago found Ethereal and slowly stopped using NetMon.

Well anyway, this last summer when I was really busy and not looking, Ethereal’s “founder” moved companies and had to leave the Ethereal name behind so he fired up a new project. It is sort of like a fork but isn’t as all of the main Ethereal developers joined him over on WireShark.

You can get WireShark here —>

In all previous blog entries, anywhere you see the word Ethereal in reference to a network tool, replace it with WireShark. If I mention Ethereal in reference to a network took in future posts, don’t worry, that is my memory loss kicking in again, just replace that with WireShark as well.


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