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Microsoft "Exchange" Hosted Solutions using… Postfix?

by @ 11:37 pm on 10/17/2006. Filed under tech

I was pinged today about some emails sent to Microsoft that were NDR’ed with messages seemingly from a Postfix mailer. The “sender” was a bit confused as they though Postfix was for *nix… While it is possible for Postfix to run on Windows, it would be pretty unusual. The fact that the NDRs were to MSFT personnel made it even odder.

The machine that returned the NDR was A little digging and it seems bigfish was part of Frontbridge which was acquired by Microsoft last year and became…. you guessed it, Exchange Hosted Solutions… EHS.

There is even a Microsoft FAQ page that mentions the Postfix servers…

I think it is more than a little humorous for MSFT to name a Unix Postfix solution “Exchange Hosted Solutions”…


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3 Responses to “Microsoft "Exchange" Hosted Solutions using… Postfix?”

  1. Fred says:

    Yeah, although humorous isn’t the term I would use to describe Microsoft attempts at hegemony.

  2. jackass says:

    aww, not really that funnny. They acquired frontbridge (remember, they when they bought hotmail, it was running qmail — they were smart enough not to just rip it out).

    frontbridge, it seems had a head on their collective shoulders, so they used one of the best mtas available, like many large exchange shops.

  3. LOL, love your commentspam radio buttons!

    Yeah, well, anyway … I found this anomaly by accident too when probing’s MXs to explain a NDN returned. It’s a tragedy, a tragedy I tell you, but one we can all rub our hands together with glee about. 🙂


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