joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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All your base are belong to us

by @ 9:12 am on 10/18/2006. Filed under tech

IE7 is coming…

Microsoft is releasing IE7 this month and when it does it will be forcing it down as a high priority update to help get people secured.

IE7 is not your momma’s IE… It has changed significantly, different look, different feel. You may be an IE “expert” now, you likely won’t after the update.

Don’t get frustrated with it, just take a deep breath, take it easy, relax, and roll with the changes and realize it may take you longer than previously to do things you used to do.

If you work in a company and want to block IE7 from being rolled out to your machines until after you have fully tested your LOB apps (how come you haven’t been testing already, the beta was wide open…) you can get the IE7 blocker toolkit… I could give you the URL but I am not, go find it and spend time understanding.

If you want to learn more about IE7 go check out

Trust Uncle Bill.

All your base belong to us…..

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