joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Energizer Bunny has nothing on NASA…

by @ 7:56 pm on 10/28/2006. Filed under general

Spirit and Opportunity are STILL going. Spirit has hit 1000 sols (24 hours, 37 minutes – a Martian “day”) and Opportunity is approaching 1000 sols. That is 10 times longer than they were expected to run. That is amazingly great. Go NASA. Something to take note of though is that between the two of them, they have only traveled about 10 miles… I have heard people remark how they are worthless because they haven’t really found anything. First off that isn’t true, but second off, you could land in lots of places on Earth and only travel 10 miles and find very very very little if anything – consider even one of the small deserts in the American West. Now imagine if our Oceans were dried up… the chances of finding anything in a random drop to the planet and traveling 10 miles is probably about 0%. Planets are big, 10 miles is small.

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